Tasks for preparing children for school


Preparing a child for primary school is an important stage in his upbringing from three to six or seven years. The first form is a significant change in the schedule of the baby, so it’s better if he is ready for change at least indirectly. Especially it concerns those children who do not attend kindergarten. IQ club offers parents the basic tasks that allow to simplify the process of teaching a child in primary forms, to teach him to discipline and the fact of studying. Parents should know what basic skills the child should learn and what to look for during training.

Fine motor skills

The development of fine motor skills is an important skill in teaching writing. You can engage into applied arts with the child, but it is recommended to use the following types of tasks as exercises:


In the first form, the child must be able to count up to 10 in the reverse order, as well as perform elementary mathematical actions. An approximate version of the tasks for teaching the child before going to school:

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The development of attentiveness can be promoted by well-known simulators, where it is necessary to find differences in identical pictures.

In addition, the following exercise is suitable: slowly name different words, and the child should clap his hands if he hears a color or an animal, or something else.


The speed of thinking is also extremely important for kids who are going to go to school. To develop it, you can use any tasks from the manuals of first-graders, requiring the adoption of high-speed solutions.


Without memory, effective learning will never take place. Let the child remember the lists of words, numbers. He reads and retells small tales. Describes how he spent the day and much more. A good exercise: look at the picture and draw it from memory.


By the time of enrolling to the first form, the child must read at least the syllables and, most importantly, understand the meaning of what has been read. Teach your child to ask the meaning of unknown words, explain the meaning of incomprehensible sentences. It is best to begin with special children’s books, where words for convenience are already broken into syllables. However, before you start reading, you need to study the English alphabet reliably. In principle, the letters and their appearance should be known to children 3-4 years old.

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