Workplace for children of the school age


One of the many important issues that worry parents of future first-graders is the correct arranging of the workplace for the child. In order that preparing for school lessons would be effective and at the same time did not harm the physical and psychological health of the child, it is necessary to take care of the arrangement of the workplace for the pupil in advance. A new stage is not only in the life of the child, but in the life of the whole family, so be prepared for the fact that it is unlikely to avoid changes.

In order to create a comfortable and functional workplace for the pupil, you have to take care of all the furniture necessary for this and place it correctly in the room. It is also necessary to pay close attention to correct lighting and the absence of learning distractions, which even the easiest to perform the exercise can turn into a long-term trial. However, if you competently approach this very difficult task and take advantage of IQ Club’s pieces of advice, you can quickly organize a workplace where your child will learn productively and with pleasure.

Workplace for the pupil: what furniture do you need?

It is impossible to imagine a workplace for a pupil without the furniture, which include a table, chair or armchair. You will also need shelves or a shelf for textbooks and exercise books. It does not matter whether the child will be studying in his own room or living conditions do not allow it – furniture should be of high quality, tough, appropriate to the height and suitable for study.


In the arranging of the working space for the child, the choice of the table has a dominant position. Many parents do not understand the importance of the correct position of the child’s body at the work table during the preparation of lessons, although this moment plays an extremely important role in the formation of proper posture and maintenance of the health of the spine. If you do not want to have problems such as scoliosis and chronic back pain in the future (which are increasingly common even in adolescence), then choose a table that will meet all of the following criteria:

  • Optimal height. The table should not be too high, since the child should be free to lean on the countertop with elbows and at the same time put the feet on the floor. Knees of the child should not rest on the table top, legs should not hang. If the table is still too high for the child, then choose the appropriate chair or armchair and build a reliable support under the feet of the child, so that they could bent at the knee joints at a right angle;
  • Sufficient working width. The table-top should be wide enough so that you can safely lay out notebooks, textbooks and that the child’s elbows do not hang from the table. Also, do not forget that modern pupils often use a computer or laptop to prepare for classes, so it should fit on the desktop, except for textbooks and notebooks, if necessary;
  • tough and safe material. The optimal variant is a table made of natural wood, covered with environmentally friendly paint and varnish materials. However, the most important thing is that the table material is sufficiently strong and safe for the health of the child;

Presence of built-in drawers or shelves are optional criteria in choosing a table, although this is certainly very convenient and you do not have to buy additional furniture to store numerous school accessories. You can also purchase a school desk for a child of primary school age. The undoubted advantage of the desk in comparison with the table is the ability to adjust the height and the angle of the table top, which is very convenient, especially in the period of rapid growth of the child.

Chair or an armchair

From a practical point of view, it is better to purchase a special chair for the pupil. Thus, you will not only effectively prevent the occurrence of problems with the spine, but also get rid of the need to choose a chair according to the growth of the child from time to time (the regulating chair will “grow” with him). Modern models are regulated not only in height, but also in the angle of inclination of the back, and some are also equipped with a footrest.

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The main requirements for an armchair or chair are:

  • comfortable seating;
  • fairly firm and even back;
  • toughness;
  • health-safe materials.

If your child already has problems with the back, then it is better to purchase an orthopedic chair to improve his well-being.

Child’s workplace: how to arrange it correctly?

In addition, in order to choose the right furniture, it is also necessary to correctly arrange it. If you are arranging a workplace, then also consider the following factors:

  • Availability of natural light;
  • Correct artificial lighting;
  • Absence of distractions;
  • Possibility to organize exclusively private space, allowing to seclude oneself from others and concentrate;

Properly located and equipped workplace will greatly simplify the learning process for the child.

What should the lighting be like?

The best option is the location of the desktop next to the window (preferably a little sideways so that the bright light does not blind the eyes). You will also need a table lamp, which should be on the left if the child is right handed and vice versa, if left-handed. Choose quality light bulbs with yellow light, as it is closest to natural and does not irritate the eyes. The light should fall on the surface of the table and in no case should the child shine directly in the face.

Proper lighting is very important for the health of the eyes, it is because of reading or writing in a bad light that many children face such an unpleasant phenomenon as nearsightedness. It is better to put the lamp at arm’s length from the child, so that it illuminates the working surface of the table well. Also, the lamp should be with a lampshade, so that the light could be softer and does not dazzle the child.

An atmosphere is helpful for learning

If the child has a separate room, this greatly simplifies the matter. However, if the student is forced to study in the living room or you live in a one-room apartment, it is necessary to protect him from various distractions during his studies. Place the desktop in such a way that the child would not be distracted by the TV.

It is also desirable that it would be possible to see who enters and leaves the room, because in that case the children feel calmer. It is highly discouraged to organize a workplace in the kitchen, as the child may be distracted by watching the cooking or guests coming up for a cup of tea.

Personal space

Before you equip the workplace for the pupil, also try to create a condition for him to retire. This is especially true if you have several children in your family and they live in the same room. Include fantasy and try to isolate the child’s workplace from the rest of the room. For this purpose, a shelf or even a screen that is perpendicular to the table can be approached, which can be removed into the closet after the child do his lessons.

The presence of a secluded corner has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche and promotes better learning new information and faster learning. A child will not only be able to learn productively, but also engage in favorite hobbies, such as sculpting or drawing in a quiet and secluded setting.

Using these simple tips, you will create a comfortable and functional place for the child. Also, in the project IQ Club you will be able to find many other interesting information and interactive educational games that will make school attendance simple and fun for your child.

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