Games for preparing children for school


The school period can become a great stress for the child, whose parents have spent little time preparing for the learning process. Even with the fact that children are taught all the sciences from scratch, one should pay attention to the development of basic cognitive skills. They will facilitate the child’s learning process and make school attendance a more pleasant process. IQ Club offers a list of the most effective and diverse games for preparing children for school, since it is the game form of classes that gives a large percentage of positive results, unlike standard training.

What has been changed?

A game that requires several toys for the child. Set the toys in a row and ask the child to remember how many and in what order they are located. Then let the kid close his eyes or turn away. You must either change the toys among themselves, or add one more, or pick up one of them. Turning back, the child says that has changed in a row of toys.


Even watching your favourite cartoon can be an excellent game of developing character. After ending, arrange a quiz for the child with questions about the plot of the cartoon or ask him to retell, what was described in it.

Fine motor skills

Do not forget that for a child it is important not only to get the necessary knowledge of the counting, the alphabet and so on. He will have to write and draw in school, which means how it’s right to hold the pen, to manage with pencils, paints. Therefore, you should pay attention to the game for the development of fine motor skills. The best choice will be puzzles. But also modeling from plasticine, painting of pictures and so on also will be good. All these games additionally stimulate the assiduity and concentration of the child.

Odd one out

You can take pictures of various objects, plants, animals for kids. For elder children (6-7 years), you can just call the words. The task for the child is to choose one that will be superfluous among 4-5 images (words) and explain the decision. The last point is extremely important, as it develops the logical thinking of the child, who already thinks about why this or that choice is made from a young age.

Without clear answers

Explain to the child immediately that such words as: “Yes”, “No”, “Black”, “White” – are prohibited for saying. Then ask questions to the child, for example: “What colour is the snow?” Or “Do you like ice cream?” So, you train not only the child’s attention but also the ability to find synonyms, additional explanations and answers to questions.

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A sharp eye

Attentiveness is the basis for successful schooling. A well-known game offered by IQ club specialists will help the child to get the necessary skill quickly and with excitement.

The essence of the task is to notice and remember the location of the bird on the game screen. Gradually the speed of its appearance and disappearance will increase, but the child’s attentiveness will correlate with the complexity of the game.


The famous IQ club’s game, aimed at developing many parameters: attentiveness, peripheral vision, speed of thinking, is called the Schulte’s Table in the everyday life. Even preschooler can play it, as the child is offered a small list of digits, which he must find in ascending or descending order. Clicker helps not only to develop the child’s intelligence but also to master an important skill – counting of up to 10 or more.

Comparison of objects

IQ Club offers a child to be a detective, comparing the original picture, which is located on the right, with its copy. You need to discover differences or exclude them but remember that the wrong answer leads to a loss of life. Preschoolers will be interested and it is useful to play in such an attentiveness training device.

Memory Matrixes

Memory is one of the key parameters of a person’s intellectual development, without which training becomes impossible. The better the different types of information storage for a child work, the easier it will be to study in an elementary school.

Memory matrixes are an effective and interesting game, the essence of which is to remember the location of the squares. On the field consisting of cells, some of the squares are coloured. Then the field again becomes colourless, and the baby’s task is to point to the cells that have been painted.


Even before going to school, the child must imagine what words of opposite meaning mean. Offer the child to name the opposites for the proposed concepts, but in the first stages, try not to use complex values. Suitable words: hot, cheerful, hard, bitter and so on.


Another great game for the development of fine motor skills involves some preparation. Draw three not very tangled paths with bends and turns. At the end of the paths, represent a car, a bunny, an aeroplane, an apple, in general, anything. The child should take a pen or pencil and, without taking his hands off the sheet, follow the path to each of the drawings.

Games for school preparation are easy to come up with on your own if you understand exactly what needs to know a child going to first form. IQ Club offers only the most common and necessary trainings that will be interesting and useful for preschool children.

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