What is painting pictures by numbers?


If you do not know how to draw well, this should not be an obstacle for those, who want to create their own interesting masterpiece of art. Various aids-assistants have appeared recently for children and adults that allow you to draw a really worthwhile thing worthy of hanging out in front of outsiders. IQ Club, developing games for children, will answer all questions regarding what is painting pictures by numbers. We will help you to act properly at each stage of creating a beautiful image.

What is a picture by numbers?

To answer the question, what is a simple painting by numbers, it is enough to consider the sets that are sold in stores. Experienced users can download an image from the Internet and select the colours themselves, however, such a process can be very difficult, especially when it comes to children. As practice shows, even children can decorate the picture by numbers, if they practice a little and observe parents who set examples. IQ club calls to accustom the child to this kind of embellishment from a small age because the process positively affects the following parameters:

  • manual dexterity (hands);
  • perception of colours;
  • correct usage of paints (especially as complex as acrylic);
  • perseverance;
  • creativity and craving for creation.

A question – what is well-known painting by numbers – can be answered in the following way: this is creating a picture in a black and white contour, divided into sectors, each of which is numbered and corresponds to a certain colour of acrylic paints. Pictures can be simple and complex for children of different ages and adults, but each of them is a beautiful image in a ready-made form.

Purchasing a set

You need to purchase a special set to paint a picture by numbers on the canvas and it classically includes:

  • Canvas with sectors of certain numbers (it can be woven or cardboard, beginners and children are better suited to the latter option);
  • A set of acrylic paints, each of which has its own number (if painting requires several colours of the same color, they have the same number);
  • Several brushes (one to five depending on the complexity of the future picture).

Choosing the right canvas for drawing, you must, first of all, be guided by the skills of the child. There are a lot of pictures, but not with each of them, the children will cope. In addition, we must not forget about the personal interest of the child, so in the process of buying, be sure to consider his opinion about this or that image. The best IQ experts of the club insist that lack of personal interest in children leads to the fact that the pictures remain unfinished or even especially spoiled because the child simply does not want to spend time on them.

Sets for drawing paintings on canvas are of different sizes and degrees of grinding sectors. You should also consider the number of canvases in the set because sometimes they can be several to decorate the entire wall. The most beautiful are monochrome images when you need to decorate with similar colours, but remember that the child may not like drawing like this. The younger the children, the more vivid image he would like to paint, which should also be considered, when purchasing a set.

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Preparing for painting

Drawing a beautiful picture with a painting by numbers is easy enough but knowing some of the nuances can achieve the best result and reduce the risk of damage to the image and components of the set.

Working area

IQ Club pays special attention to the moment many parents miss for forgetfulness or ignorance: the workplace should be sufficiently lit. This item is mandatory for implementation since when it is not observed increases the risk of vision pathologies in children. In addition, the child must clearly see the contours, the colour of the paints. It is inadmissible that a young artist with his own hand should cover a site that paints.

It is recommended to fix the canvas with the future picture vertically if it is fabric. For children, it is often easier to draw in a horizontal position, turning the drawing to a comfortable side. It is not recommended to prohibit changing the position of the canvas, because, firstly, it should be comfortable for the child.


Acrylic paint – is a quite capricious and very quick drying paint. The manufacturer made sure that the containers, in which it is stored, were sealed. You need to open the flacons very carefully, without damaging the structure of the container. Basic tips for working with acrylic paints:

  • There is a possibility that the paint will wither immediately after unpacking, and it will not be possible to restore it. You should open only the colour that you draw directly at the moment. Otherwise, you will have to buy additional tubes.
  • Acrylic is a paint that does not like water. For drawing it does not need to dunk the brush into the liquid. However, if you see that the open paint has dried a little, you can add a few drops of water and soften it.
  • It should be remembered that immediately after the opening of the flacons, the duration of acrylic operation is shortened, but the service life is at least 3 months. In the intervals between painting, the paint can be protected by storing it in an airtight bag. To do this, take a damp cloth and put the tubes in it, then pack the fabric in a bag and store until a new drawing comes.
  • If the number of sectors is enlightened during the filling process, apply the paint several times. In general, this technique of drawing in several layers will strengthen the brightness of colours and help to make accents on certain areas of the picture.
  • After using the paint, the falcons should be closed neatly and hermetically. Remains of paint should be removed with toothpicks from the edges because they can interfere with the tight fit of the lid.


In the set, you will be given a few brushes for drawing, but it is better to purchase additional quantity by yourself. You need to draw a picture on the canvas not only by different sizes of brushes but also take into account the colour range, dividing the set into dark and light shades. Thus, mixing of colours is prevented when the brush is poorly washed before a new colour.

Tips for brushes care:

  • Do not leave the brush in water;
  • Brushes should be wiped with a dry cloth for better cleaning and after usage;
  • It is unacceptable to use aggressive chemicals for washing brushes;
  • After painting the drawing on the canvas, you should thoroughly wash the brush with warm water and, giving the original form to the villi, allow to dry themselves.


For a beautiful painting, you will additionally need wet cotton swabs and cloths. Basic tips for filling canvas with paints:

  • The classical technique of applying paints “from the background to the front” is not mandatory. You can paint a picture from one corner to the other or the way it will be more convenient to a child.
  • If the paint is behind the contours, you can wipe it lightly with wet cotton swabs. It is not recommended to collect a lot of paint on the brush because it’s easier to spoil the image.
  • It is difficult enough to paint the sector with paint carefully, not using water, so it is recommended that you use this brush to designate the outlines and only then paint over the centre.
  • It is recommended to start with light tones, gradually turning to dark ones. It is much easier to paint over the lighter shade with a darker shade than vice versa.

After the completion of the picture, it is necessary to evaluate it from a distance of 2-3 meters, like any work of art.

Lacquering and buying a frame

It is recommended to cover the painting with varnish to achieve the best result, then it will last longer. It is matte and hides glare in the image or glossy, which enhances the brightness of the paints.

You do not need to buy a frame, especially if it’s a fabric canvas. However, you can order some beautiful frame without a glass for a more presentable look.

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