Exercises for training memory of preschoolers

No psychic function can be realized without the use of memory. It as a connecting link allows you to connect the past with a vague future and the present. This key cognitive function contributes to personal development and learning – every day a person has to memorize and remember knowledge and processes in order to reproduce the results of the received experience in the future. Use the “IQClub” simulators to train your memory and information playback function with fun and easiness.

Regarding the personal characteristics, for one person easily memorizes multi-valued figures, the other – rhymed lines from verses, the third – visual images, and the fourth will find it difficult to cope with any information flow.

Features of information memorization for children of preschool age

Even Mark Tullius Cicero noticed that memory weakens without exercise. Almost all mental functions are formed in the preschool age, so the special attention should be paid to the training of memory and thinking in children of this age.

Peculiarities of preschool age:

  • The predominance of unconscious mental processes over meaningful and selective.
  • Memorizing information is associated with a strong emotional echo.
  • Thinking and memory coexist indivisibly.

During the child’s growing up process, the logical memory smoothly replaces the mechanical one, therefore the storage of information becomes selective and indirect. This process directly depends on mastering various memorization techniques and obtaining new information in a form of a game.

The team “IQClub” offers smart games for the development of various types of memory. As a basis, we took the classification of P.P. Blonsky.

Motor memory

Repeat the motion. The child reproduces the sequence of movements that he sees. As you use the technique, you can learn a new dance or master complex movements.

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The game “Draw and remember”. The adult loudly and clearly calls words that are familiar to the child. The task of the preschooler is to sketch the words quickly so that later he can recall their meaning. When doing this exercise, it is worth keeping a balance: do not give the child too much time to create a quality and complex picture and at the same time take the time to not deprive the preschooler of the opportunity to fix the word he heard.

“Moving.” An attempt to follow the movement of treasure chest allows to activate the memorization, storage and reproduction of information, as well as to develop spatial thinking. The child follows the direction of the arrow and compares the data with the game map.

Emotional memory

  • Positive emotions allow us to improve the natural tendency to remember. That is why a preschool child especially needs to hear a praise, experiencing the situation with an adult, words of encouragement in case of failure.

    Methods for emotional memory training:

    • playing scenes from your favourite fairy tales with the aid of rod-puppet or glove puppets;
    • performance of role-playing songs;
    • reading poems from memory;
    • pantomime;
    • psycho-gymnastics;

    Training simulator “Pathfinder”, which is aimed at rapid recognition of images and making logical decisions.

Verbal (Logical) Memory

Experienced teachers and therapists do not advise young parents to speak with the child in a simplified and distorted language since this helps to inhibit the development of verbal (logical) memory.

Instead of doing that, it is worth communicating with the preschooler, as with an adult, to teach him to make up stories by picture and sing songs. Discussion of a book read or a cartoon viewed will allow the child to carefully focus on the story. The description of everything seen during the walk will teach the child to see the beauty in everything and notice how nature changes with each new season.

Exercise “Remember a couple of words.” The adult prepares 10 pairs of words logically connected to each other and asks the child to remember them (for example, sea – to swim). When a child remembers all pairs of words, the adult calls the first word, and the child – its pair.

Image memory

Under the concept of “image memory” is understood visual, olfactory, sensory, auditory memory at the same time.

“Remember the sound.” The adult offers the child to recall the sound of dripping water, rain, barking dogs and so on. Then you can switch places with the preschooler and be in the role of a student.

“Remember the smell.” This exercise is similar to the previous one, however, it is aimed at remembering familiar smells – flower fragrance, autumn foliage scent, rain, favourite dish and so on. To prevent a hitch during the training process, it is worth preparing a list of “odours” in advance.

“Remember the taste.” Invite the preschooler to describe the taste of his favourite and hated dishes. It is very important that the exercise has a positive note upon completion.

The game “Concentration” allows you to train visual memory and improve memorization and recognition. The participant must find a pair of identical objects. Each error leads to a loss of game potential and a decrease in the level of complexity.


Harmonious development of the child is based not only on physical and intellectual well-being. Training memory will activate mental functions and reproduce the experience previously obtained, if necessary.

If you still have questions about fitness for the brain – hurry to contact the “IQClub” team via the feedback form or our groups in social networks.

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