How to teach a child to be a leader?


Education of a leader becomes a fashion trend, which young parents try to follow. If a Soviet child was to be diligent, obedient and modest, then modern teenagers are destined to become active, mischievous and restless. The representative of generation Z is capable of more than their 30-year-old parents. Often this is due to regular fitness for the brain, which offers the “IQClub” team.

However, many parents understand wrong the formation of leadership qualities. It seems to them that the leader child should be guided by the principle “I see the goal – I do not see obstacles” and move to his dream with the stubbornness of the mule. The humiliation of the weak, peers bypassing, resourcefulness – these are the qualities that, according to many parents, their small leader should possess. In fact, an adult who grew up on such guidelines will find it difficult to make a pleasant impression.

The goal of this leader is to set a positive example, to lead peers and juniors, to offer easy ways to solve complex problems. Achieve these goals will help permanent trainings with the help of exciting online educational games (for example, simulator “Simplification”).

Attention, the leader speaks

The leader must attract admiring glances, and without a competent and clear speech, it is simply impossible to achieve this effect. Many politicians and TV speakers managed to gain popularity only due to the ability to correctly speak and competently convince their audience. In the modern world, not only actions, but it’s presentation, are important. In the most neglected cases, the public assesses not the inner world of the speaker, but his external presentation. However, the child should not be introduced to such cases.

Explaining to the child the importance of the delivered speech, it is worthwhile to mention once again the well-known example of the ancient Greek speaker Demosthenes, who had to radically fight with his shyness, weak voice and stammering. The regular reinforced training helped him to leave behind the defects of speech and master the oratory skill perfectly. This story teaches us to correctly assess the role of self-feeding: a neat appearance, neat clothes and competent speech. The object of close attention may be the appearance and actions of the leader.


A real leader does not hide his head in the sand, as soon as he has to take responsibility. It usually gives an impression of his whole team. However, the responsibility should not become a heavy burden for the leader: to be the star of the class, the captain of the basketball team, the leader of the group is very fascinating. The rest of the team rush to the leader for help in a difficult situation, expect from his words of encouragement in case of defeat and praise for the win. The ability to competently and fairly solve the problems of the team – this is an important skill, the mastery of which cannot be left “for later”.

Mutual support, attention and discretion these are the qualities that allow a sensitive leader to remain in power, while tyrants and dictators will sooner or later have to leave the throne droopingly.

The game “Complex Sorting” will teach you to concentrate on current tasks and offer creative solutions so that the user can maintain leadership and help the whole team.

Never get there in time

A child-leader does not need to have the highest score in all subjects. Excellent marks of some subjects and a favourite hobby will be enough to lead people behind him. The main thing is to “fire” the audience in time with your enthusiasm, creativity and excitement.

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Why is a successful career most often given to low-performing students? The future sportsman, researcher, politician or businessman is not dispersed on all subjects, but assimilates the basic disciplines at the “exceptional” level, while the “nerd” does not show his interest in the current problems of the team, has too high opinion of himself and spends free time on coverage all school subjects.

Losing is also an art

Leadership qualities cannot be associated with constant success. The ability to adequately lose will tell about a person more than his desire to get a victory in any way.

How to form a child’s ability to lose?

  • Program the child for self-improvement – do not scold the schooler for failure: an unlearned poem, unsatisfactory math assessment or the last place in the history contest. At the time of failure, the child needs in comforting and sincere support.
  • Lead the child to introspection – help to understand the cause of the error.
  • Explain the importance of practice, give a vivid example of the success of the trial and error method.

People with an innate talent are less likely to succeed in a profession that corresponds to them than those who were not afraid to take risks and work without natural abilities.

Leader goes behind

A true leader must obey the general rules of behaviour. Getting acquainted with the new team, initially the person will be a subordinate. Respect for the whole team and its rules will allow a person to become “insider”, communicate with everyone as equals and offer creative ideas.

An audience can never trust a suspicious stranger and eccentric. No wonder they say: when in Rome do as the Romans do.


Grandparents and old-school parents are convinced that the child is an unintelligent and not independent being, who needs total control and all-round care. Of course, in the first three years of life the child needs constant help from parents, but then he feels a strong need for independent thoughtful actions. The suppression of a propensity for independence will lead to complete dependence from the parents. Being an adult, not an independent person becomes an ideal employee – without an initiative, calm and obedient subordinate. He will never become the leader of the team. Without reliable support, “mama’s son” will not be able to make any decisions.

It is worth remembering that the time frame of the childhood period has changed many times. From antiquity to the fifteenth century, a man of 11-12 years was considered an adult: he had the right to create a family, to rule on the throne and be commander of the army. Even under the influence of religious doctrines, people remained independent in their way of thinking.

Although the UN calls a child any person under the age of 18 years old, in modern international law, full adulthood comes in 21 years. Some countries give a 14-year-old child “adult” rights – permission to manage the vehicle, create a family, buy a home and be criminally responsible.

In everyday life, the frames of childhood are moved even further – the elderly boss considers the unintentional boy of his 30-year-old subordinate, and the mother continues to over-take care of her 40-year-old son. In such conditions, the popularity of the personality type “eternal child” is fully justified. Such a person has a romantic outlook on life and a naive character, having fun and playing games to a very old age.

The key to independence

The reason for the constant childhood lies in the wrong education – the ban on independence provokes fear of independent actions and responsible decisions. Uncertain people are constantly disappointed in themselves, so they prefer to be subordinated, for which all decisions are taken by an experienced leader. Encouraging decisiveness and independence will allow yesterday’s schoolchildren in adulthood to lead, not to be led.

Ways to raise an independent child:

  • Leaving the house. A child who has to be in an unfamiliar environment quickly becomes open and free. An independent child does not hide behind his mother’s back at home but hurries to communicate with peers in a sandbox, kindergarten or school.
  • Constant change of environment – the child learns to act independently when he suddenly gets into another setting or goes for a walk to an unfamiliar place. The monotonous situation forms a habit and reduces the ability to take decisive action without hints.
  • Individual choice of hobbies – you have to choose between the sports section, the intellectual club and the creative team. Trust the child when choosing hobbies and always be interested in his opinion.

The education of future leaders has a direct impact on success in the economic sphere. Anyone who is used to be independent and determined in childhood, upon reaching adulthood becomes a responsible organizer, successful entrepreneur or sensitive manager.

Leadership Models:

  • Western. The countries of Western Europe have found themselves in a favourable economic situation since for their citizens the education of leaders is a basic task and not a temporary trend. Children from a young age are prepared for independence, so after reaching adulthood, they are away from home. The adult has to find a partner on his own, go to interviews and rent housing. Of course, the Western model of leadership is not always practised, but the trend toward its inheritance persists.
  • Eastern. Residents of Asian countries are not used to rigour, so the child is under the constant care of his family. However, because of the economic situation, the child is perceived only as a future employee, who will have to support the family. The girl is assigned the role of housewife, while the boy is considered the potential head of the family and the leader. The main feature of Asian families is branched social ties, as a result of which the family can name numerous distant and close relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, superiors, and spiritual mentors. To become a family head is the honourable and responsible goal of every man. Eastern model of leadership is not inferior to the West in efficiency in many ways.
  • Latin American. According to an old national tradition, in Latin America, people under 30 live with their parents, hiding from the crisis, unemployment and possible economic difficulties. This forms the habit of subordination and complaisance, as a result of which only foreign agents and scammers are allowed to lead the society.

In Spain and Greece, a whole generation of “ni-ni” has formed – this collective term refers to young people under 30 who do not aspire to enter an independent path: get an education, find a job or create a family. This trend has a detrimental effect on the economic situation in the country – people without leadership qualities do not plan to lead responsible positions or receive a working qualification.

Formation of a habit of passive submission brings harm not only to children but also to the country. That is why the education of leaders will allow forming a generation of people who are capable of serious independent decisions, have a scientific qualification and are ready to occupy high positions.

Ability to remember, think and make decisions is not the least important in the process of educating leadership. Regular fitness for the brain from “IQClub” allows developing logical and creative thinking in children-leaders.

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