How to do school homework fast?
“Homework” – this word often causes nervous tension not only for the schoolboy but for all house members. Especially if the kid is a
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Exercises for the development of memory in younger schoolchildren
Sometimes parents face a situation when their child for a long time cannot remember a simple, one would think, poem, needed to learn for school, and some
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How to divide by 5 quickly?
They say: “Mathematics is the gymnastics of the mind.” Truly, the right words. Calculations made in the mind, without a calculator, a pencil
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What is mental mathematics for children?
Parents who wish their children to present the most useful education in an interesting form attract modern methods of studying subjects.
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Games for preparing children for school
The school period can become a great stress for the child, whose parents have spent little time preparing for the learning process. Even with the fact
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Tasks for preparing children for school
Preparing a child for primary school is an important stage in his upbringing from three to six or seven years. The first form is a significant change in
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Workplace for children of the school age
One of the many important issues that worry parents of future first-graders is the correct arranging of the workplace for the child. In order that preparing
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What is painting pictures by numbers?
If you do not know how to draw well, this should not be an obstacle for those, who want to create their own interesting masterpiece of art.
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Exercises for training memory of preschoolers
No psychic function can be realized without the use of memory. It as a connecting link allows you to connect the past with a vague future and the present.
IQClub Blog. Latest project News and Articles about Children's Education
Even and Odd: How to Teach Your child to count in head?
The ability to count “in head” seems to many an obsolete skill due to the availability of a calculator in any gadget. However, both the child
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