6 Tips on Parenting Introverted Kids

This never happened at social gatherings or parties of children and adults – at least one child is sticking to a parent, hesitant to jump in and enjoy the party, join the fun. You know what is the reason behind this?  A similar version of the following statement is frequently heard from the parent, “She’s just so shy.”

Some of the kids are too slow to warm up. They prefer to assess the situation before the runoff to join the party. Sometimes they try to find a friend.

But some kids are very introvert.  They simply thrive in smaller settings; take much time to be alone with their thoughts, and experience emotional and physical exhaustion in the large social gatherings. They try not to do any mistake. There may have very sophisticated social skills within introverted children and get enjoyment being around other kids.

They don’t want to participate in the party not to become the centre of attention. They prefer either close friend or trusted adult nearby when they are thrown into any new and overwhelming situations. They feel uncomfortable and try to find a way out to escape from the situation.

Here are the 6 tips for raising an introverted child:

Remove shy from your vocabulary:

It has been noticed that some introverted children are shy in nature while others are not.  Either way, shy can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Children are aware that shy holds a negative connotation for parents. Children who have shyness in their behaviour feel that it can cause anxiety for their parents. Whenever they attend to any party or in any social gathering, their parents always explain to them about how to overcome shyness from their behaviour. They know very well your thinking about shyness.

Take out this stigma by completely removing the word “shy” from your vocabulary or from your regular conversation.

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Focus on your child:

It is hard to believe that your child will not be able to give up shyness ever. Any attempt to ignore it can lead to further clinging. If you feel that your child struggles to separate from any new situation and is easily overwhelmed by crowds, noise, multiple activities in any particular place, take time to facilitate your child to integrate. Say a quick hello to your friends. When your child walks around, you observe the situation from a distance.  When you see your child is getting involved, in your mind a trust can be grown or developed.

Frequently attend busy events with your child to make sure that your child is doing well and being accustomed to any circumstance.

 Keep parties and events short:

The main concern is that independent children can deal with any situation to an extent. Resist the intention as the parent who holds out until a bitter end of each event and leaves only when you see that your child has spent enough.

Focus on close friends:

The introverted children generally have a few close friends and they prefer to stay at home comfortably or to spend time in any familiar environments. Those who have limited close friendships prefer to play only with them. Don’t worry about their future problems. They will get many friends in the middle school. Think about their present and help your child to develop a close friendship with as many friends as he or she can.

Factor in downtime:

Introverted children have much downtime. They prefer to spend time by playing alone, drawing, creating, and sitting with their thoughts. These children often retreat to their rooms after a busy morning or slip off to another room all of a sudden.

They can feel bored at school, parties, and even classes. They tend to experience a brain drain. Because of plenty of downtimes your introverted child needs sufficient time to become proactive.

Describe new situations:

Whether it is a small interval between two periods in the classroom or a party with almost all the new faces, introverted children need sufficient instructions. They need to know what they’re doing, and what they can deal effectively to adjust in any new situation. They need an escape hatch.

Tell your children, under any circumstance, what is being expected from them and how much they can do to cope and if they feel overwhelmed or upset.

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