Attention - Attention stability

Skill development attention stability

Attention stability

Stability is the time period, within which the voluntary attention may be help on the one level without distraction. Attention stability is related to involvement: if the activity brings pleasure, then we do not get distracted, being able to engage ourselves into the activity for a very long time.

Why it is profitable to train attention stability?

An example of attention stability is the lesson duration: at elementary school, lesson duration is initially 35 minutes, then it turns into 45 minutes, and at universities, lesson duration increases to 1.5 hours, which is related to age changes in attention stability development. Пример устойчивости внимания – это продолжительность уроков: в начальной школе длительность занятий сначала составляет 35 минут, и позже они превращаются в 45 минут, а в высших учебных заведениях занятия проходят уже полтора часа, что связано с возрастными изменениями в развитии устойчивости внимания.

Games developing attention stability

Game  Diamonds


On the playing field, cells are lighted in a specific order. Remember this order and repeat it.

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Game  Clicker Black Red

Clicker Black Red

Here is a table filled with numbers; to successfully complete the game you must find and click all numbers alternating between ascending black and descending red.

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Game  Digit Span

Digit Span

Memorize the numbers and play them back. You can use the numbers on the keypad.

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Game  Clicker Plus

Clicker Plus

Here is a table filled with numbers; to successfully complete the game you need to find all the numbers and click them all in ascending or descending order depending on the question. When you miss a number, you lose a game life.

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