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What is IQClub

What is IQClub

IQClub is the system for efficient development of children’s cognitive functions. For last 100 years, studies devoted to development of children’s abilities have been taking place. We have selected best methodologies that proved their efficiency, combined them, and created a catchy and interactive product.

Our games are focused on memory improvement
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What we offer?

Amplify the curriculum
Variety of programs and training methods

Our service enables specialists to use the most innovative technologies for their classes. As our product is online, children can study at home, reinforcing skills acquired at center classes.

Handy and innovative tool for children’s learning
Handy and innovative children learning tool.

Implementation of our interactive learning service will facilitate efficiency of classes and enhance children engagement. Results can be easily monitored online, registering achievements and receiving relevant recommendations.

Science-based approach
Scientific basis

Psychologists, tutor, and speech therapists work hard to create games and simulators that ensure age-appropriate load. AI enables creating individual programs.

Parental access to class stats
Parental access to class stats

By virtue of various user modes (specialist, child, parent), all information regarding classes and achievements can be easily viewed on any device at any time.


Convenient student registration and viewing system enables tutors to easily work with the service and monitor success of individual students and entire groups.

Friendly plans
Friendly plans

We are ready to offer best conditions of using IQClub capabilities at your center.

Who’s interested?

Wherever there are students and a teacher, our project will be a reliable assistant. Especially it can be interesting to:

Add your students to IQClub and easily view the statistics and personal profiles of each student.

Speech therapists

Our games include lots of techniques useful for your lessons.

Pediatric psychologists

You will love our stats system and cognitive tests.

Where to implement technologies
Happy students
Satisfied parents
Brain Games
Children and parents love IQClub

It is truly innovative and handy tool

Start implementing technologies IQClub right now!

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